Sping 05 Igarashi

Sping motors were made by Olle Soderholm of Sping Power System, a small brand from Sweden. First large result for Sping was winning the 1/12th scale Euros in 1981 by Neil Francis/Great Britain with his Phantom Lexancar. Also teammate Bill Maisey was using Sping motors at the A-Main.

At the next 1/12th Euros at Watford/Great Britain 1982 three drivers again were using Sping motors at the A-Main. This being Neil Francis and Bill Maisey again with their Phantom cars and Terje Haugen from Norway. Beside the Euros, Sping motors could be found at 1/12th scale races in the UK and Sweden.

Last known major result was winning the 2WD class at the first (inofficial) Offroad Worlds in 1983.

Early Sping motors were using Igarashi teardowns as all other brands too. Interesting fact with Sping motors was using a slightly different can with cooling slots, similar to the ones found with Mabuchi motors. We don´t know why no other brand was using this different can but some brands as Delta or Reedy were machining cooling holes into the can or endbell.                                                                                                                              Later Sping was making also Yokomo based motors as most other motor brands.

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